Beef Shorthorn for Commercial Farmers
As one of the country’s leading Beef Shorthorn breeders our native commercial beef stores are a major element of farm revenue here at Stanford Park. With this in mind we maintain a good influence on commercial carcass traits within our farm breeding policy. We regularly have bulls available that are ready to work.
Why would a commercial suckler farmer need a Beef Shorthorn Bull?
Beef Shorthorns are being used to great success in commercial suckler herds – and with good reason. They’re excellent forage converters, have a quiet temperament and produce easy calving progeny that command premium prices.
Over the last 5 years we have built up successful relationships with many commercial suckler herds providing them with easy fleshing, fertile, Beef Shorthorn bulls that go on to produce progeny for either herd replacements or easy fleshing fattening cattle.