Beef Shorthorn for our fellow Breeders
Stanford Park Farm is able to offer nearly every other pedigree breeder in the UK an Outcross sire.
Our herd normally numbering in excess of 150 pedigree cows has been built to encompass genetics from old and new from around the world. We are able to bring all these genetics together having been classified, performance recorded and health tested to produce a wide range of progeny.
Why a Stanford Park Beef Shorthorn?
One of the most important things to consider when buying pedigree cattle is the luxury of being able to view the parents and family. Here at Stanford Park we are able to offer this option to you when making that considered purchase. Different sires on varying females lines and their resulting offspring.
Now more than ever, cattle need to be fit for purpose and our herd are bred to reflect this. Our strategy is to provide proven breeding pedigree cattle that produce quality beef for today’s market place whilst utilising forage systems on a low carbon footprint. The perfect fit for environment schemes for now and the future.